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  • Registrant : さいたま市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/12/15
  • Published : 2023/12/15
  • Changed :2023/12/15
  • Total View : 360 persons
2024/3/29 - 2024/3/30 / さいたま市 / Other

Noe ・ Soulier, "The Waves"

Noe ・ Soulier, director of the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine Angers since 2020 and a noted choreographer who has choreographed for the Lyon ・ Ballet de l'Opera and the Netherlands ・ Dance ・ Theatre 2\ (NDT2), makes her first appearance in Saitama. While an excerpt from the novel of the same name by Virginia ・ Woolf is narrated, the percussion rhythms of the contemporary music ensemble ・ Iktus and the movements of the six performers respond to each other, speaking to the viewer's memory. No admission for preschool children. Admission for preschool children is not permitted.

Noe ・ Soulier, director of the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine Angers since 2020 and a noted choreographer who has choreographed for the Lyon ・ Ballet de l'Opera and the Netherlands ・ Dance ・ Theatre 2\ (NDT2), makes her first appearance in Saitama. While an excerpt from the novel of the same name by Virginia ・ Woolf is narrated, the percussion rhythms of the contemporary music ensemble ・ Iktus and the movements of the six performers respond to each other, speaking to the viewer's memory. No admission for preschool children. Admission for preschool children is not permitted.

Address さいたま市
Date 2024/3/29 - 2024/3/30
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Vivinavi - Events

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